My Family from

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Our family

We are still at David and Sylvia's. Our house is finished and we have it on the market. We decided what a great oppurtunity to move into a bigger house and a better neighborhood. Our agent is amazing but the market is SO hard right now, we are just holding on for dear life praying that it sells. In the mean time the kids are all good. Alex has joined the wrestling team, Matthew just had a teacher conference and he is doing SO well, and Jacob just continues to be the amazing little boy that he is. The store is doing well, and Ezra is doing well at work. I went on a ride along with him and I am just amazed what he does in 1 shift. He is so great at what he does, and observant! Anyway thats what we are up too, hopefully the next time I post we will be moved and the pictures will be of our new house!

Adam and David

David's 3rd Birthday Cake- Wow Wow Wubzy!



Double Trouble!
Happy birthday to my baby boy, may 3 take as much mischief from your sole as possible! HA HA! David out of all 5 boys is my out of the box thinker, he is too smart for his own good and he ALWAYS has us on our toes. Besides the fact he speaks so amazing for someone his age, he is not afraid to use that vocabulary- like "Oh mommy, you nuts" or "You like a baby"- when not getting his way or my personal favorite, he has got into a bad habit of calling people stupid, Ezra and I have really laid into him about this, so he's modified the word he calls people "Stoop" because thats not calling them stupid.
And then there is Adam, his personality has popped lately. He is a very quiet boy, he watches everything and does not say a whole lot. He is 18 months and knows 7 body parts and his comprehension is AMAZING! He and David are constantly in trouble! They team up and David realizes he is going to get into trouble he will have Adam do it!


I only grabbed a couple of pictures from Christmas. This year Alex was at his mom's and we are still staying at Dave and Sylvia's. The kids had a great Christmas! Matthew and Jacob's favorite present was the Wii. David was hilarious on Christmas morning- he wanted nothing to do with it. He refused to open his stocking or any of his other presents, we ended up helping him open things up because he was not down with opening gifts from the Santa guy...HA HA! So David, and his favorite gift? A vacuum, we got him a battery powered one and he was in heaven! What did I get? A diamond ring- Ezra's the man this Christmas. It is white gold with princess cut diamonds- I love it and I was not expecting it at all!